
Safer Recruitment - Registration is now closed

A valuable course for those on interview panels or who are new to their role. It is a legal requirement that at least one member of an interviewing panel has undertaken this training.

Induction for New Governors

This course will enable new governors to understand and fulfil their key roles - to support and challenge their schools and to contribute to improving pupil outcomes.

An induction for new governors, single academy trustees and MAT local governing body members (Twilight session)

This course will enable new governors, single academy trustees and MAT local governing body members to understand and fulfil their key roles – to support and challenge their schools and to contribute to improving pupil outcomes.

New Chairs of Governors - Registration is now closed

This course examines the knowledge, skills and practical activities involved in good chairing.

SIAMS: Reviewing the Impact of the School’s Christian Vision - For Governors along with their Head or Deputy (maximum 2 places per school)

This session is aimed at Governors along with their Head or Deputy – maximum 2 places per school.

SIAMS: The Statutory Inspection of Anglican & Methodist Schools - CANCELLED


Monitoring Visits in Schools (Primary schools only) - Registration is closed

This session will explore the do’s and don’ts of governor visits to schools, as well as share good practice and examine further the protocol underwriting effective visits. (For Primary schools only)

Reviewing your governance structures-CANCELLED


Reviewing the quality and impact of your governance with reference to the Governance Competency Framework