Welcome to London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS)

Our 155 Church of England schools open their doors to 55,000 pupils each day. It is our privilege to lead, equip and encourage them as we serve and support education right across our thriving, diverse and vibrant Diocese.

Our aim is for children and young people to flourish in the widest sense. Church schools are for everyone: this principle is as important to us today as it was when the LDBS was established in 1836. Find out more about 2030 Vision.

The outstanding LDBS team is dedicated to providing excellent training, advice, and resources to our whole extended family of schools and their leaders, teachers, support staff, governors and chaplains. Our support is broad: from school standards to the impact of the school’s Christian vision, from recruitment to HR to buildings maintenance. 

“I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness.” Jesus (John 10:10)
As you read about our work, please pray with us that the children and young people we serve will know life in all its fullness.

The Rt Revd Rob Wickham
Chair of Trustees