Exclusions (part 2)

13th Sep 2023 5.30pm - 7.30pm via zoom - the meeting link will be sent nearer the time Course Fees:Free to schools who buy into Core Service or £30

Governing boards have a statutory duty to consider certain instances of pupil suspension and exclusion and decide whether the decision should be upheld or the pupil reinstated. It is highly recommended that governors and trustees receive appropriate training regarding school exclusion legislation, appropriate conduct at reviews and at Independent Review Panel (IRP) hearings, where governors are expected to justify the decisions made both by themselves and the headteacher.

This course will be provided over two sessions:

  • 6 September 2023 (5.30pm – 6.30pm) – Part 1 will provide an overview of the regulations and statutory guidance on exclusions to enable governors to fulfil their legal responsibilities.
  • 13 September 2023 (5.30pm – 6.30pm) – Part 2 will look specifically at the role of the Independent Review Panel (IRP) and what governors need to know to address the IRP confidently.

Governors are invited to attend both sessions. If you wish to only attend the first session please use the following booking form: https://ldbs.co.uk/event/exclusions-part-1/

Apply for this course