
Introduction to the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF) (Governors only) - Cancelled

This course will provide governors with an overview of the new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF).

Safer Recruitment - Registration is now closed

A valuable course for those on interview panels or who are new to their role. It is a legal requirement that at least one member of an interviewing panel has undertaken this training.

SIAMS: Reviewing the Impact of the School’s Christian Vision - For Governors along with their Head or Deputy (maximum 2 places per school)

This session is aimed at Governors along with their Head or Deputy – maximum 2 places per school.

SIAMS: The Statutory Inspection of Anglican & Methodist Schools - CANCELLED


The NEW Ofsted Framework 2019 (for Governors) - Fully booked

This course will provide governors with an overview of the new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF).

Headteacher Residential Conference - How to run and not grow weary in authentic school communities

The LDBS headteachers conference offers inspiring speakers to stimulate thinking, space for reflection and an opportunity to network with colleagues in a beautiful setting overlooking the stunning Dorset coastline.