Become a
School governor

Become a
School governor
Thank you for considering becoming a school governor!
School governors are instrumental in supporting ongoing school improvement and the development of the character of Church of England schools. LDBS views governance as a form of lay ministry; a calling; a way in which Christians can express their vocation to follow Christ by serving their local community. Our governors are volunteers and for many serving as a governor in a church school is an expression of their own Christian discipleship and service.
Each school governing body is slightly different, but in a Voluntary Aided school it will always include LDBS foundation governors and elected parent and staff governors. It may also include governors appointed by the school’s linked church, deanery or local authority.
In a stand-alone Academy there is usually a board of trustees appointed by the original members of the Academy as well as elected parents and school staff. In a Multi Academy Trust there is usually a single board of trustees overseeing a local governing committee for each school in the Trust.
In Church schools, foundation governors are particularly responsible for ensuring the school promotes education consistent with the faith and practice of the Church of England, and preserves and develops the school’s Christian ethos and Vision.
This means that it is recommended that all LDBS foundation governors are members of a Christian church or can evidence that they are committed to the tenets of the Apostles Creed. The role can be hugely rewarding, but it also carries significant responsibilities, therefore LDBS is careful to only appoint people who meet the criteria for commitment, skills and circumstances.
Apply here to be an LDBS governor or trustee:
School governor and academy trustee vacancies:
Governors in Church schools have a responsibility for:
Ensuring clarity of Christian vision, ethos and strategic direction
Holding the headteacher to account for staff performance management and the school’s educational outcomes
Making sure money is well spent
LDBS-appointed governors have a particular responsibility to make sure the school promotes education consistent with the faith and practice of the Church of England, and preserves and develops its Christian ethos.
The principles of good governance are the same for all types of school.
LDBS-appointed governors have:
a commitment to the school, its leadership and community
good interpersonal skills
an ability to challenge, question and analyse in a supportive manner
competent levels of literacy and numeracy, and ease with the English language
relevant skills, experience and knowledge to contribute to the effective governance and success of their school. Skills, experience and knowledge will vary but may include:
understanding the legal and policy environment in which schools operate
analysing performance data
budgeting and driving financial efficiency
performance management
premises management
employment issues, including grievances
school improvement
children’s work and social care
mental health and wellbeing
community involvement
They also meet the following criteria:
are members of a Christian church (priority given to communicant members of a Church of England church or a church in communion with the Church of England. Applications are welcome from members of other churches which are members of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, the Evangelical Alliance or the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches.)
meet safeguarding requirements including an enhanced DBS check.
provide two positive references
are not disqualified from taking office as a governor.
are appointed for a term of four years, with the option to renew for a further term if all parties agree.
LDBS-appointed governors in a school won’t include current staff or parents at that school. If you are a current parent or staff member you could be appointed instead as a parent or staff governors directly by the school.
LDBS appointed governors also aren’t in the congregation of any church whose PCC already appoints governors to the school – but you ask the PCC about being appointed, or apply to be a governor at another LDBS school.
The LDBS is eager to increase the cultural diversity of our governing bodies and is actively seeking candidates from Black, Asian and other ethnic groups which are a minority in the UK.
LDBS governors commit to:
support and promote the vision of the Diocese of London for children and young people within the school context
support and promote principles of good governance within the school context
give sufficient time to attend meetings and training, undertake background reading and make occasional visits to the school during school hours
The initial term is 4 years. The frequency and duration of meetings varies from school to school.
LDBS is grateful to the hundreds of committed volunteers who serve as foundation governors. Persons appointed into LDBS foundation governor roles must fall within one of the following categories:
Category 1
Regular worshipper at Church of England services
Category 1a
A member of Clergy who is not the incumbent
Category 2
Regular worshipper within one of the Member Churches of ‘Churches Together in Britain and Ireland’ (CTBI, the Evangelical Alliance, Affinity or the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC)
Category 3
By exception, a person who is not a regular worshipper at one of the churches listed above but is committed to the tenets of the Apostles’ Creed.
To ensure a range of voices on each governing body, LDBS will not appoint:
Any person who is employed (in any capacity and for any number of hours) by the organisation (school or Trust) that is seeking their appointment;
Any person who has served three consecutive terms of office in the same role and at the same school or academy;
Members of the congregation of any church which appoints PCC governors to the school, where one or more foundation roles over and above the PCC appointees are already filled by congregation members;
Parents or carers of current pupils in the school, where one or more foundation governor roles are already filled by parents.
If you are a parent or congregation member of the linked church, LDBS will seek advice from the school to determine whether you can apply to be an LDBS foundation governor. If it is not possible to appoint you to the LDBS foundation role at the school you are applying for LDBS will work with the school to see if you could apply for another governor role on their governing body or look at a LDBS foundation role in another school.
More details on the Appointment Process can be found in LDBS Foundation Governor Appointment Policy
LDBS is eager to increase the cultural diversity of our governing bodies and is actively seeking candidates from Black, Asian and other ethnic groups which are a minority in the UK.
LDBS provides online training for governors in many areas.
Our partners at GROW also run training for Headteachers/SLTs on SIAMS and Governor Safeguarding.
For candidates who would like to be a LDBS foundation governor at a specific school:
read the LDBS Foundation Governor Appointment Policy and satisfy themselves that they meet the criteria and conditions before applying;
complete the application form, specifying which area of London is preferred;
sign the declaration to confirm eligibility to serve as a governor;
in consultation with the applicant, LDBS will match the application to a school/SAT/MAT and notify the chair of governors and the head teacher, who will arrange for the applicant to meet to discuss the “fit”;
LDBS will take up references and if the applicant has applied under Category 3 will arrange, via the clerk, for the applicant to have a faith interview with the principal officiating minister in the parish (ex-officio foundation governor), who will decide whether to support the application;
applications will be considered weekly, in term time, but only once references have been received;
LDBS will write to the applicant and the Clerk with the outcome.
For candidates who would like to be a LDBS foundation governor:
read the LDBS Foundation Governor Appointment Policy and satisfy themselves that they meet the criteria and conditions before applying;
check if there is a vacancy by contacting the clerk to the governors;
arrange to meet the chair of governors and the head teacher to see if the “fit” is right; we always welcome recommendations made by head teachers, chair of governors and clergy.
complete the application form;
sign the declaration to confirm eligibility to serve as a governor;
LDBS will take up references and if the applicant has applied under Category 3 will arrange, via the clerk, for the applicant to have a faith interview with the principal officiating minister in the parish (ex-officio foundation governor), who will decide whether to support the application;
applications will be considered weekly, in term time, but only once both references have been received;
LDBS will write to the applicant and the Clerk confirming the outcome.
If you are coming to the end of your 4 year term as an LDBS governor and would like to continue for a further term you should:
discuss this with the headteacher and chair of governors
contact the LDBS team on governor.appointment@london.anglican.org to start the reappointment process
LDBS Officers will:
• ask you and the school to review your original application form for fact checking and accuracy
• ask the chair of governors and headteacher, to fill out the LDBS Governor Re-appointment questionnaire
LDBS Officers will consider your application for reappointment and write to let you know the outcome.
We are so thankful for governors who serve faithfully and make a difference in our schools for many years.
If you are coming towards the end of your third term and are keen to keep serving as a governor, please contact our Head of Governance to discuss the options.