Religious education
In church Schools

Religious education
In church Schools
Find out about religious education in Church of England schools.
SIAMS inspections consider whether the RE curriculum is effective in inspection question 6 (IQ6) and the quality of RE lessons in inspection question 7 (IQ7).
LDBS also supports RE teaching in community schools by appointing representatives to the
SACRE (Standing advisory council on religious education) each local authority.
Schools are legally required to provide religious education (RE) for all students which is “balanced and broadly based, and which:
promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils; and
prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
RE is an academic subject and is studied through a range of relevant disciplines including theology, philosophy and the human and social sciences. It is a legal requirement that there is provision for RE through Key Stage 3, and into Key Stage 5. Church schools recognise the importance of RE in the curriculum and in the priorities of school leaders. The RE curriculum is central to how a Church school shows its Christian vision in enabling all pupils to flourish.
RE is inspected in all church schools through SIAMS (the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools)
We encourage Church primary schools in London to follow the LDBS Primary RE curriculum.
We expect LDBS Church schools to comply with 'A Statement of Entitlement' (Church of England Education Office) which you can view here:
Pupils can expect that it will:
engage and challenge them through an exploration of core concepts and questions.
provide meaningful and informed dialogue with a range of religions and worldviews.
opportunities for them to understand the role of foundational texts, beliefs, rituals, and practices and how they help form identity in a range of religions and worldviews.
introduction to a range of relevant disciplines including theology, philosophy and the human and social sciences.
Quick links:
For teaching staff, access our full RE resources including our primary curriculum and lesson plans, by logging in here.