Supporting documents

Supporting documents
Powerpoints, documents and guidance for teaching RE in LDBS schools
Please download the resources you require below, please note these require a login to access.
Please download the resources you require below, please note these require a login to access.
Document title | Key stage | Format | Link |
Assessment in RE | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
Core concepts grid | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
Easter knowledge progression grid | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
Focused evaluation | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
LDBS RE policy template 2 | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
Moderation of RE | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
Monitoring and evaluation toolkit for Religious Education | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
Non negotiables for RE for class teachers | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
Profile of a religiously literate child | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
RE enrichment map | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
RE link governor visit document | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
Recommended Bibles to support the teaching of RE 2 | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
Self evaluation statement | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
Subject leader action plan | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
Supporting the subject check list | MS Word | Login 🔒 | |
Termly subject leader update | MS Word | Login 🔒 |