About LDBS

About LDBS
LDBS supports schools in three ways:
LDBS highlights schools’ concerns, promotes the interests of church schools and highlights the difference they make to the education system.
School Support:
bespoke support to individual schools so that they can provide the best possible education for students.
the network through which individual schools, Partnerships, Federations and Trusts can work together to strengthen education.

Find out more…
…about our core service for Church schools and how to ensure your school can access this
…about our training opportunities for teachers, leadership and governors
Frequently Asked Questions
The LDBS Board is chaired by the Bishop of Stepney. The Bishop of London appoints 10-11 trustees on the recommendation of a Nominations Committee. The Committee includes representation from the LDBS Board and Diocesan Synod.
LDBS functions are established under the Diocesan Boards of Education Measure 2021. Governance arrangements are set out in a Scheme which was made by the Diocesan Synod in December 2021.
It was in 1811 that “National Society for the Promotion of the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church” was founded by Joshua Watson. The aim was to have a school in every parish for the education of the poor. The National Society continues today as The National Society for Education, with 5000 schools across the country educating nearly a million children. In 1836 the LDBS was established to support the rapid increase in the number of new schools in the Diocese of London. In 1924 the Board was incorporated as a charitable company and it has been serving the children of London ever since.
If you want to work for a Church of England school in London you can search vacancies and apply using our online application portal.
If you trained overseas (an OTT: overseas trained teacher) LDBS is an “A rated” sponsor for Skilled Worker visas. We can apply for Certificate of Sponsorship for a Skilled Worker visa, and help if you have a Tier 5 Youth Mobility visa.
If you want to train to be a teacher LDBS can provide school-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) at LDBS SCITT: Teaching London. This programme has been rated as excellent, and has been training Outstanding teachers for over 20 years. Find our more at LDBS SCITT: Teaching London.
LDBS provides training for school leaders, governors and teachers both as part of our core service and in partnership with Grow.
“ LDBS supports school leaders to transform children’s futures through an inspirational excellent education. Inspiring education needs excellent leaders. That’s where we come in.”
LDBS supports schools in many ways, through advocacy, through collaboration and training, and through direct support services in areas including operations, people and culture, school improvement, Christian distinctiveness, governance and communications. Some of this is delivered through our core service to schools, and some through our traded service, GROW.
There is a small endowment fund for pupils who are in financial need in voluntary added schools, to help them take part activities that go beyond the statutory curriculum. This may include residential trips, music and arts activities.
There is usually around £15,000 – £20,000 available per financial year. The fund is called the City & Diocese of London Voluntary School Fund. Trustees meet three times each year to make grants. Grants are only made in advance of activities: retrospective claims are not considered. The fund is generally oversubscribed so we ask that schools pay careful attention to the grant criteria.
The application deadlines are: 28 February, 31 May and 31 October
More information:
“This is a modest fund but over the last ten years it has supported around two thousand pupils in disadvantaged circumstances to access school trips and curriculum enrichment opportunities. Giving away money is the best part of my job!”
Please complete this online form if you would like to make an application:
We provide some funding for buildings of voluntary aided schools. You can find out more on our core service buildings page.