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Parents & carer’s complaints to governors

Platform: Online training

Course fees: Free to schools who buy into Core Services or £30

This course is aimed at Governors only. 

Every governing body must have its own complaints policy, which will allow parents/carers to appeal to the governors if they do not agree with how the school has resolved a complaint. This session will help governors to: 

  • understand and be able to apply the principles which ensure that justice is done and seen to be done when handling a complaint appeal 

  • know the policies and procedures to follow to give all parties a fair hearing 

  • know how to ensure a good record of the meeting and appropriate follow up correspondence 

Please note: this session does not cover admissions or exclusions appeal hearings. 

To book, please complete this form:

We will send the course information nearer the time, please check your junk/spam folder if you have not heard from us. If you have any query regarding this course, please contact us

A note about data protection: Thank you for sharing your contact details with us. We will retain your data for two years to assist with our course administration and to share with your school in the event that they want to verify our training records. After two years, all of this data will be destroyed. Please contact us if you have any queries.

13 February

RE Subject Leaders Network Meeting

5 March

An introduction and overview of the SIAMS inspection framework (for Governors only)