Video 3 - Hannah in conversation with the children from her class

Background information on the pupils:

  • Two pupils are working at expected in RE.

  • Two pupils are working at greater depth in RE.

  • Three pupils are EAL.

  • One pupil is pupil premium.


This video contains all the chapters referenced below. Please see the notes for chapter timings.

Password for videos: C0nver5ati0n

*please note that this password is not shared to anyone else as the videos contain footage of children, hence why there is a password.

Chapter 1: Enjoyment in RE

Hannah’s question:

What do you enjoy about RE and can you tell us about a lesson this year that you have particularly enjoyed?

  • Unlock the video using your password

  • Watch the video from the beginning to 1:46.

  • Click on the first dot to the right of the play button and press play or click on the chapter icon below the video and select Chapter 1.

Group Discussion

  • What do you notice about the children’s responses?

  • Do you get a sense from what you have heard, that the children enjoy RE? If so, what is it that they are saying that gives you that sense?

  • What do you think the purpose of asking the question is in terms of addressing children’s progress in RE?

Point to note:

  • It is essential that the teacher knows and has a copy of the RE curriculum when asking the question in order to gain a real understanding of whether, what the children are remembering, links with their prior learning.

Chapter 2: How children use the knowledge organiser.

Hannah’s questions:

Can I ask you to talk through the knowledge organiser?
Can you explain how these knowledge organisers help you with your RE learning?

  • Unlock the video using your password

  • Watch the video from 1:45 to 3:57.

  • Click on the second dot to the right of the play button and press play or click on the chapter icon below the video and select Chapter 2.

Group Discussion

  • From what you have just heard, discuss what you think the impact of the knowledge organiser is having on the following:

    • Children’s engagement in the RE lesson

    • Children’s ownership of their own learning

    • Children’s progress in RE

    • Children’s ability to remember and make links with prior learning

Also see:
Video 1 Part 2: Adapting a unit of learning to meet the needs of all, From the perspective of the RE leader. Chapter 5 here.
Video 2: How to teach Biblical text analysis effectively. Chapter 2 here.

Chapter 3: The lesson

Hannah’s question:

What did you learn in today’s lesson?

  • Unlock the video using your password

  • Watch the video from 4:00 to 5:46.

  • Click on the third dot to the right of the play button and press play or click on the chapter icon below the video and select Chapter 3.

Group Discussion

  • What do you notice about the children’s responses? What does it tell you about the learning that has taken place for all the children?

  • What does Hannah do in this part of the conversation that enables the children to go deeper with their answers?

  • What do you do in your classroom as a teacher to check that children have learnt?

  • What do you do as a RE lead to check that children are making progress in their RE learning?

  • What might you do next, in the light of what you have just heard?

Chapter 4: Challenge

Hannah’s question:

How were you challenged in today’s lesson?

  • Unlock the video using your password

  • Watch the video from 5:47 to 8:21.

  • Click on the fourth dot to the right of the play button and press play or click on the chapter icon below the video and select Chapter 4.

Also see:
Video 1 Part 1: Adapting a unit of learning to meet the needs of all, From a teacher’s perspective. Chapter 3 here.

Group Discussion

  • What do you notice about the children’s responses?

  • Discuss the children’s ability to reflect on their own learning.  Thoughts/reflections.

  • What can you say about the children’s religious literacy? What evidence are you basing your opinion on?

Point to note:  Hannah has the expectation that all learners should experience challenge within a lesson.

  • What does challenge look like in your classroom?

  • As the RE leader what does challenge look like in RE across the school?

  • What might you do differently in the light of what you have heard?

Chapter 5: Future learning

  • Unlock the video using your password

  • Watch the video from 8:24 to 10:17.

  • Click on the fifth dot to the right of the play button and press play or click on the chapter icon below the video and select Chapter 5.

Hannah’s question:

What are you looking forward to in the rest of this unit?

Group Discussion

  • What strategies and tools have the children been exposed to that has enabled them to have a desire and interest in wanting to know more? Do think this will make a difference in how they engage in the unit and if so why and how?

  • What might you do to ensure your children have a desire at the start of the unit to wanting to know more and to be engaged in the learning?


Video 2 - How to teach Biblical text analysis effectively.


Group Task - Examples of children’s work produced in the lesson featured in video 2