The Environment

The London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS) was one of the first diocesan organizations to formalize its response to environmental challenges, with a report on the environmental responsibilities of church schools in 1994. Over the next twelve years,  the majority of schools registered on Eco-schools with many receiving awards for their environmental awareness.

In building and maintaining school buildings, energy efficient boilers and new windows and doors are always installed. When grants are available for buildings we have applied for Rain water harvesting, photo-voltaic panels and solar panels. In recent new buildings we have also installed ground source heat pumps.

All schools teach about environmental issues and encourage pupils to recycle waste. Some schools have put in place imaginative schemes where children are encouraged to save paper, power and water and then the amount saved is given to the school council to spend on something they feel the school needs.

Increasingly schools have also developed small gardens where pupils can grow fruits and vegetables which can be used in school meals.